Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Family Visit

We found our way over to San Diego from Yuma for a weekend with my son and his family.  The boys are now 4 and 7 years old and are so grown up!  They amaze me with what they already have learned and what they are doing – reading, computing, writing, playing chess and tennis and on and on.  Why do kids seem to learn so much faster these days?  Is it better nutrition or that their parents spend more time with them?  I don’t know but I sure see a difference!

On Saturday we got all lathered up with sunscreen and headed out to the canyon to take a bit of a hike.  There were HILLS!  In South Carolina we didn’t have hills.  In Yuma we didn’t have hills.  We were not used to hills!  But we managed of course and the kids ran and ran and we walked.  We even came back to the house before my son and the two boys….they kept going.  I want some of their energy!

I can’t help myself – I had my camera and just had to take pictures of everything I saw.  So here are some photos of STUFF!
The views were so incredible!

Can you see the bee hard at work?

This is Wild Artichoke.  They are spreading at an almost
 alarming rate.  There are many more than
when I used to live in San Diego.

This is a whole field of the Wild Artichokes.
The thistles will bloom and turn a beautiful lavender.

And then they will dry up and leave these
very hairy looking thistles all over the place!
I have no idea what this is but it looks like
 something the animals and the birds would enjoy.

Sunday was more exercise – for the young people.  They all got on their bikes and rode to the park.  Kirby and I followed in the car.  Actually, my son did not ride his bike.  He walked and ran in order to project and keep safe the little guy.  Jake was able to come with us and the boys really enjoyed having him with them at the park.

How did all three manage to look in a different direction.
I was the only person there :)!
After all that fun we went for some late breakfast and we got a nice family photo!!

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