Friday, March 8, 2013


Yesterday we found some firewood at an abandoned camp sight.  We drug it home and Kirby sawed it up into perfect lengths.  Then of course we had to have a party so we got our cocktails and got the fire going.  I think we were in need of a party.  We didn't wait for dark because then it gets too cold.  While enjoying the beauty of the fire I spotted our camp host, Pat, walking by with his camera.
Pat found us another space to move to as our space was already reserved by someone else beginning today.  It is not as awesome as the first one but we are still here in the beautiful place and actually have a good view of the water now.

The good news is that moving the RV this time was not near as difficult and didn't take as long.  I think we are going to learn how to do this thing after all!

Here is a funny one that I don't think I mentioned before.  When we first got here we had Jake (our dog) stay in the truck until we were all set up.  Then I let him out and he marked the area like dogs do.  I then invited him inside the RV.  That is when it got funny.  He went all around smelling it, checked all the corners and rooms.  I think he was amazed that our house was now in a new yard.  There is no way to explain this to a dog but I think he is getting the hang of it.

We get to stay here until Sunday!  Yea - love it here!

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